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How We Deal With Sensitive Issues

While SASH facilitators are not mandated reporters, they report incidents disclosed that put a SASH students safety at risk. SASH facilitators will contact their advisor(s) and the appropriate school administrators (principal or guidance counselor).

Upon hearing a disclosure SASH facilitators will….
1. Find a quiet place to have a conversation. 
2. Listen from their hearts - No judgment.
3. Consider if the information disclosed puts any students safety at risk (physically or mentally.)

If the disclosure presents a safety concern...

If it does present a safety concern, the facilitator will inform their advisor(s) and proper school official(s). The school will follow their protocol for concerning situations.

If the disclosure does not present a safety concern...

If it does not present a safety concern, the facilitator will sit down with the child and provide an open space to talk.

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